Tri-ang 47606 class 3F 0-6-0T Jinty

This little tank engine is over 50yrs old and since it has been restored is running exceptionally well for such an old engine. Here is the process.


  1. The front left hand side of the chassis where the buffer (bumper) is attached had been cracked. This was glued back on.
  2. Body was washed in warm soapy water removing dirt, dust and oil. None of the transfers came off thankfully but some of the paintwork including the number has worm off from sticky children's hands.
  3. Dismantle the chassis and motor to clean it. Most cleaning was done with isopropyl alcohol and cotton buds.
  4. Remove the motor. De-solder the power from the pickups to remove the pickup plate allowing for the smoke unit to be removed.
  5. Clean all parts

  1. The wheels on this train do not run well on modern track. The wheel flanges are too thick and the diameter is too large to run smoothly through points. Also the wheels are too narrow. (Back to back measurements should be 14.5mm) To fix this I removed the wheels and machined them on a lathe. Replacing the wheels using a home made press tapping gently into place ensuring they are on the axel squarely.
  2. Taking the wheels off was easy enough once I made a wheel puller. This allowed for easy access to the axles and other hidden parts so they can be cleaned. However it was noted that the quartering of the wheels is crucial if the wheels are to run in unison and not cease up. Quatering describes the offset in rotation of one side of the wheels to the other. It must be at 900 . This took a couple of attempts to get right.
  3. Re-magnetising the motor magnet. This magnet was way under strength and had to be recharged. I could have made a Metal Pulse Magnetiser but this seemed a bit extreme for one magnet so I sent it to a guy in Yerong Creek.
  4. Syncrosmoke. The engine has a smoke machine that produces smoke when oil is added to a special resovoiur. This seemed complete but did not work. I since found out that a small part (smoke unit element) missing. I will get this in due course ($20)
  5. Reassembly

The completed engine and chassis on the test track

Its running pretty well now. Will post a video soon. In the future I may replace all the wiring as it is very stiff with some connections not great. Not sure what the little green electrical part is. I think it is a resistor. This needs to be tested and replaced if faulty. May also buy a Neodymium magnet (very powerful rare earth magnet) to give a better low end speed.


Em said…
So this is what you're spending all your time on! You still need to get a time machine themed one!